Isabell Werth

"I believe we developed an exceptional saddle. Our foremost thought was for the horses and to design a saddle to sit optimally, with as little a burden for the horses as possible. I believe we succeeded with this very well and now the CAIR Cushion System has gone one better. I have been riding in both the Bates and Wintec Isabell saddles with the CAIR Cushion System, in training and competition, and I have to say I’m really impressed! From the very first moment, I had a fantastic feeling in the seat. You have the feeling you are sitting even closer to the horse, even more in the horse. In all of my years of riding we have traditionally put gel pads or foam pads under the saddles, and now this is not necessary because an air cushion is already integrated into the saddle. Also – which is even more important to me – my horses immediately responded showing that they too felt comfortable."